When a creditor wishes to retain part of a debt and sell part of a debt, is it possible to complete a partial sale on the platform without submitting a petition in advance? If so, how?

Yes. If you wish to do so, you will need to prepare two debt claims. 

  1. One debt claim for the part you wish to retain. You can submit this as normal. 
  2. A second debt claim for the part you wish to sell. You can fill in the basic details of this claim and store it as a draft (without submitting it). Once you have stored your draft claim, you can transfer this debt to a different account. This other account will then be invited to the file, and will instantly be listed as a creditor on this second claim.

When will the registrar issue a digital notification?

You will receive a digital notification when you are involved in a collective debt settlement file in a specific capacity, when you have an account for the public section, and when you have given permission for your data to be used by the JustRestart database. 

Will I also receive a dailymail with an overview of all actions that have taken place in my files over the course of that day?

Yes. As in RegSol, a dailymail will be sent to the default contact of the group managing the file. 

All other users can also receive a daily message with the notifications if they have ticked that option in the user management settings. 

At which e-mail address will I receive the dailymail with the overview of all invitations for collective debt settlement files for our account?

If you have only set up a single group, the default contact for this group will receive the dailymail. If you have set up multiple groups, you can specify which group is to be the default group for collective debt settlement files by ticking your preferred option. You can do so in the user management settings. Once done, the default contact for the group you selected will receive the dailymail with the overview of all invitations for collective debt settlement files.