Once the procedure has been granted, you can use the Creditors module to generate notifications. This letter contains a strictly personal (QR) code for the creditor. You can make a choice of sending the letter either by paper or e-mail. This is the only option for the creditor to access the file and link to his/her claim. The creditor will only be able to vote on the reorganisation plan electronically in the case of a Collective Agreement if he/she is linked to his/her debt. 

To generate these notifications, proceed as follows:

  • Go to your file on regsol.be and go to the “Claims” – “Creditors” tab
  • The list of your creditors can be found there
  • After the opening judgement of your “Collective agreement” file you have the option to generate the notifications in 2 ways
    • Go to a creditor’s line and click on the blue “Generate notice button. Your notice for this individual creditor and the list of creditors to be attached will be downloaded.
    • Or click on the blue “Generate all open notices button. A zip file containing all the individual notices and the list of creditors will be downloaded. 
      To print these all at once, open the zip file and copy the documents into another local folder. Select all the files in this folder and right-click, then select “Print”
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